Viewing a Database Audit Log

The following articles describes the steps for viewing and filtering a Database Audit Log. In the Database Audit Log you can review changes made in a Database, Form or Folder as well as the user(s) who applied these changes.

A Database Audit Log provides you with a list of events that have taken place in a Database. You might want to to have access to these events in order to review which users updated a Form, a Record or a Lock for example.

The events that you can review in the Database Audit Log include:

  • Adding, updating or deleting Records
  • Adding, updating, or deleting Folders, Locks, Roles
  • Deleting or moving Forms or updating Form's visibility
  • Adding or deleting users, or changing their permissions

In some cases you can revert an action, you can for example recover a deleted Record.

Please note the Database Audit Log is available only to Database owners.

Viewing the Audit log

  • Select the Database for which you want to view the Audit Log in the Database List page.

  • Click on "Database settings" to open the Database Settings page.

  • Click on "Audit log" to navigate to the Audit log section.

  • You can view the Database Audit Log in this section.

If you recover a deleted Record the label 'Reverted' will appear.

'Updated database' signifies a change to a Folder, Form, Lock or Role.

  • To view the details of the log click on it.
  • In the Audit Log side panel you can view more details about the selected log.
  • You can directly email the user that did the change. Click on their name in the Audit Log side panel to open your email service provider or hover your mouse above the user's name to view their email.
  • You can navigate to the Table View of the Form by clicking on the name of the Form in the Audit Log side panel.

  • For "added record," "edited record," or "reverted deletion" entries, a hyperlink is displayed in the audit log entry.
  • When viewing the audit log for the mentioned entries, ActivityInfo displays the current record details alongside the record history in the audit log sidebar.
  • In the case of edited records, any changes to field values are displayed alongside the original values in the audit log.
  • Upon clicking on the record hyperlink in an audit log entry, a new tab opens and takes the user to the corresponding record.


  • You can select a Date and show events that happened before that date by clicking on "Events before ..." and selecting a date.

  • To filter by event type click on "Filter by event type" and select the filter(s) you want to use by checking the boxes.

  • To filter by Form or Folder click on "Filter by form or folder" and select the Folder or Form for which you want to view the events.

You will only view the top level Forms in this list, that is Forms that don't belong in any Folder. If the Form belongs in a Folder you should select the Folder instead.

  • To remove a filter click on the 'x' next to the filter name.
  • To remove all filters click on "Clear all filters".

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Viewing Database Problems