Form import/export spreadsheet format

The following page describes the spreadsheet format used by ActivityInfo’s form designer.


In general, each field appears in a single row:

FieldCode FieldName FieldType
NAME What is your name? text
BIRTH_DATE What is your birth date? date
How many children do you have? quantity

However, for single and multiple select, a single field will use multiple rows, one for each choice. The Field Name must be repeated for each choice.

FieldCode FieldName FieldType Choice
NAME What is your name? text
COLOR Favorite Color? single select Green
COLOR Favorite Color? single select Blue
COLOR Favorite Color? single select Red

Column headers

Header Required? Description Example
FormId Ignored on import The id of the ActivityInfo form c1qbkehljee5tc94
FieldId Ignored on import The id of the field. c1pfkxkljee61u45
FieldCode Optional The field’s code BIRTH_DATE
FieldType Required The type of field. See table below. date
FieldName Required The field’s label What is your date of birth?
FieldDescription Optional The field’s description Enter the respondent’s date of birth.


Optional true if the field is required true
Key Optional true if the field is a Key Field true
Unique Optional true if the field must be Unique true
Hide from entry Optional true if the field should be hidden during data entry true
Hide in table Optional true if the field should be hidden from the table view true
Read-only Optional true if the field should be hidden during data entry true


Only relevant for Quantity fields

The units of the quanitty hectacres
Formula Required for calculated fields The formula of the caculated field YEARFRAC(BIRTH_DATE, TODAY())
Prefix Formula


Only relevant for Serial number fields

The formula for the serial number prefix CONCAT(PROVINCE.CODE, "-", TERRITORY.CODE)
Referenced Form Required for reference fields The id of the referenced form c1qbkehljee5tc94
Relevance Condition Optional Formula describing when the field is relevant AGE > 18
Validation Condition Optional Formula describing when the field is valid AGE > 18 && AGE < 100
Choice Required for single selection and multiple select fields The label of the choice Very satisfied
Reverse reference form id Required for reverse reference fields The id of a form that references this form c1qbkehljee5tc94
Reverse reference field id Required for reverse reference fields The id of the field that references this form c1pfkxkljee61u45
Section header indentation level


Relevant for section headers

The indentation level of the header 1

Field types

Field type in user interface Field type in spreadsheet
Attachment attachment
Calculated calculated
Reference reference
Multi-line text narrative
Quantity quantity
Geographic Point geopoint
Multiple Select multiple select
Single Select single select
Barcode barcode
Date date
Month month
Fortnight fortnight
Week week
Subform subform
Text text
Serial Number serial
Section Header section header
Reverse Reference reverse reference
Next item
Relevance rules