This article outlines the steps for adding Likert scale questions in your Form in ActivityInfo.
A Likert scale is a rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. It consists of a statement or a question, followed by a series of five or seven answer statements. Respondents choose the option that best corresponds with how they feel about the statement or question.
Use Likert scale questions to create rating scales for your survey or questionnaire, which can show the strength of the rating for a specific topic or experience.
Some examples where Likert scale questions are used, include questions that measure:
- Satisfaction
- Importance
- Quality
- Frequency
- Likelihood
To make it easier to follow this tutorial, we recommend that you are familiar with the actions included in the following articles:
To practice with a ready-made a Form with a Likert scale questionnaire, copy the Trainings monitoring database template and look at the “Post training evaluation survey” Form.
First, add one Single Select field for every Likert question. As Options add the rating scale you want to use.
Step 2: Add Codes to single select fields
Then, add Codes to each field so as to use them easily in Calculated fields in Step 3.
Step 3: Add calculated fields to find the score of each question
To be able to measure the results, you need to give a score to each Option of each question. Then, based on the Option selected, the Calculated field that corresponds to that question will automatically give the result for that question.
Add one Calculated field for every Likert question. Calculated fields use Formulas to make calculations.
In this example, we give the score 500 for the most positive response (for example for 'Strongly agree'), 400 for the less positive response (for example, for 'Agree' ), 300 for the neutral response (for example for 'Neither agree nor disagree'), 200 for the less negative response (for example for 'Disagree') and 100 for the most negative response (for example for 'Strongly disagree').
To assign a score, navigate to the Formula editor to write your Formula. To follow this example, multiply 100 with an IF function –which will assign a 1 to 5 grade score to the Options– to assign the respective score to each option. Add each Option to the Formula by clicking on it as you write the Formula.
You might choose to assign different values to each question.
You can view the scores in the Table View as soon as you collect some answers.
You can also give Codes to each Calculated field and add up all the scores in another Calculated field to get the overall score for each respondent.
To analyze the data, add a Pivot Table to present the average score of each statement in the Likert questions. Then, break down the data based on other dimension/disaggregations you collect in the Form (for example, age, village, etc.) to understand better how each segment performed.
To design the Pivot Table, you can add the scores of each statement, as measures. In our example, these are the fields with the names ‘Score Q1’, ‘Score Q2’, ‘Score Q3’, etc. Then, select the correct statistic for your case, here it is the AVERAGE statistic as we want to get the average score for each question. Finally, you can improve the labels of the measures, so that the pivot table becomes easier to read.
Well done! Now you can add your own Likert questions to your Forms in ActivityInfo!