

There is an options parameter for the list of single select items. Single Selection fields can be used to ask from users to select one out of two or more options as an answer. This can be a "Yes" or "No" question for example or any other type of question that can be answered with one option. Single Selection fields can be used in Prefix Formulas to customize Serial Numbers too.


  description = NULL,
  options = list(),
  code = NULL,
  id = cuid(),
  key = FALSE,
  required = key,
  hideFromEntry = FALSE,
  hideInTable = FALSE,
  relevanceRule = "",
  validationRule = "",
  reviewerOnly = FALSE


Argument Description
label The label of the form field
description The description of the form field
options A list of the single select field options
code The code name of the form field
id The id of the form Field; default is to generate a new cuid
key Whether the form field is a key field; default is FALSE
required Whether the form field is required; default is FALSE
hideFromEntry Whether the form field is hidden during data entry; default is FALSE
hideInTable Whether the form field is hidden during data display; default is FALSE
relevanceRule Relevance rules for the form field given as a single character string; default is ""
validationRule Validation rules for the form field given as a single character string; default is ""
reviewerOnly Whether the form field is for reviewers only; default is FALSE

See also

Other field schemas: attachmentFieldSchema , barcodeFieldSchema , calculatedFieldSchema , dateFieldSchema , formFieldSchema , geopointFieldSchema , monthFieldSchema , multilineFieldSchema , multipleSelectFieldSchema , quantityFieldSchema , referenceFieldSchema , sectionFieldSchema , serialNumberFieldSchema , subformFieldSchema , userFieldSchema , weekFieldSchema

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