The following section describes the syntax and usage of the MID function in ActivityInfo.


The MID function is used to return a specified number of characters from the *middle *of a string (or text value).


MID(string, numChars, startPosition)
+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | 

Argument | Required | Description |
+=======================+=======================+=======================+ |
| Yes | The text value. 
| +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ |
numChars | Yes | 
The number of | | | | characters you wish | | | | 
to return from the | | | | text value. | | | | | | | | This must be a 
| | | | 
numeric value. |
+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | 
startPosition | 
Yes | The starting position | | | | of the text you wish | | | 
| to extract. The start | | | | position is measured | | 
| | from 0 (i.e. the | | 
| | first character in a | | | | string is 0, the | | | | second 2, etc.) | | | |
| | | | This 
must be a | | | | numeric value. | 


  • The sub-string extracted from the middle of the text value, starting at startPosition, which has a length of numChars.
  • NA if the string is empty, not a text value, or if the number of characters requested exceeds the length of the original text.


We will be using the MID function to extract text from the middle of a text field.

We will be using one Text field:

  • "Text Field" (with code "text")

Using this formula:

MID(text, 3, 2)

we will attempt to extract 3 characters from the middle of the field, after the 2nd character in the text.

The formula returns this result:

Next item