AND (&&)


The AND (&&) operator determines whether two conditions are both true.

Multiple AND call can be chained together to test whether a set of more than two conditions are true.


a && b
a && b && c
Argument Required Expected Type Description
a Yes Boolean The first condition
b Yes Boolean The second condition


  • TRUE if both conditions evaluate to TRUE.
  • FALSE if one or both conditions evaluate to FALSE.
  • BLANK if either condition is BLANK.


If you have a multiple-select field with the code VAC and the options:

  • Cholera
  • Rubella
  • Typhoid
  • Measles
  • Mumps

Then you could write the following formula to count the number of children who have received both the measles and the mumps vaccines:

VAC.Measles && VAC.Mumps

Which gives the following results:

VAC Result
Cholera, Rubella, Typhoid FALSE
Cholera, Measles FALSE
Measles, Rubella, Typhoid, Mumps TRUE

You could also use the IF function to turn the boolean value ("TRUE" or "FALSE") into a number:

IF(VAC.Measles && VAC.Mumps, 1, 0)
VAC Result
Cholera, Rubella, Typhoid 0
Cholera, Measles 0
Measles, Rubella, Typhoid, Mumps 1

Finally, you can repeat the && operator to check that more than two conditions are true. The following formula for example counts the children who have received Measles, Mumps, and Rubella:

IF(VAC.Measles && VAC.Mumps && VAC.Rubella,1,0)
VAC Result
Cholera, Rubella, Typhoid 0
Cholera, Measles 0
Measles, Rubella, Typhoid, Mumps 1
Rubella 0
Measles, Mumps 1
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