Build a simple M&E system based on primary data

In this tutorial, we set up a simple database in ActivityInfo to support Monitoring & Evaluation for a education programme.

This tutorial will be based on using primary data - we will collect detailed information about our activities, outputs, and impact. and then calculate our indicators from this primary data.

Before you start

To complete this tutorial, you must be an account owner with the permission to add a new database. If you don’t have this permission in your organization, start a trial account instead.


For this tutorial, we will use a Logical Framework from the tools4dev article How to write a Logical Framework.

For this tutorial, we will cover only the setup for two of the indicators:

  • Number of students completing a reading summer camp
  • Number of summer camps run

Add the database

Navigate to the Databases page, and click “Add Database.” If you don’t see an “Add Database” button, follow the steps in the Starting a free trial tutorial.

  1. Enter “Reading programme” as the database name
  2. Select “Blank database”
  3. Click “Add database”

Add the Reading camps form

The summer camp form will collect details on the camps we run, and will include a list of the students attending each camp.

From the “Reading programme” database page:

  1. Click “Add form”
  2. Enter “Reading camps” as the form name

Add the Location name field

  1. Click “Add a field”
  2. Select “Text” from the field type list
  3. Enter “Location” as the label
  4. Check “Key” in settings
  5. Click “Done”

Add the Start date field

  1. Move your mouse cursor below the last field
  2. Click the “+” button to add an additional field
  3. Select “Date” from the field type list
  4. Check “Required” in Settings
  5. Enter “Start date” as the label
  6. Click “Done”

Add the Students subform

  1. Move your mouse cursor below the last field
  2. Click the “+” button to add an additional field
  3. Select “Subform” from the field type list
  4. Enter “Students” as the field label
  5. Click “Open subform”
  6. When prompted, click “OK” to save the parent form

Edit the students subform

The students subform is a list of all the students that attend the summer camp.

Add the name field

  1. Click “Add a field”
  2. Select “Text” from the list of fields
  3. Enter “Name” in the field label'
  4. Check “Key” in the Settings list
  5. Click “Done”

Add the Status field

  1. Move your mouse cursor below the last field
  2. Click the “+” button to add an additional field
  3. Select “Single select” from the list of field types
  4. Enter “Status” as the field label
  5. Check “Required” in Settings
  6. Enter “Completed” as the first option
  7. Click “Add Option”
  8. Enter “Dropped out” as the second option
  9. Click “Done”

Add the completed count field

We’ll use a calculated field to help count the number of students that completed the course.

  1. Move your mouse cursor below the last field
  2. Click the “+” button to add an additional field
  3. Select “Calculated” from the list of field types
  4. Enter “Completed count” as the field label
  5. Check “Hide from entry” in Settings
  6. Enter IF(Status == 'Completed', 1, 0) in the Formula field
  7. Click “Done”
  8. Click “Save” to save the subform
  9. Click “Save” again to save the Reading camps form

Import data

Now that you have your structure, you can record the summer reading camps and students directly from your laptop, or use ActivityInfo’s mobile app’s to collect data directly from the field.

For this tutorial, we will import data from a spreadsheet.

Import camps

Navigate to the Reading camps form, and click “Import”

Open the Camps spreadsheet, and select all five rows, including the header:

Paste the text into the importer, then click “Continue”

Click “Continue” again, and then “Done”

The four records should now be visible in the table view:

Importing the students

  1. Select the first record
  2. Then click “Students - 0 record(s)” to navigate to the subform
  3. Click “Import”
  4. Copy and paste the data from the Students tab to the importer
  5. Click “Continue”
  6. Click “Continue”
  7. Click “Done”

Add an Indicator Tracking Table

From the Reading camps form, select “Add pivot table” from the Analyze menu

Add the “Number of reading camps” measure

From the “Reading camps” group, drag the “Count of all records” to the “Measures” area.

Click on the card you’ve just dropped in “Measures” to edit the measure.

Enter “Number of camps” in the “Measure name”

Click the “x” to close the card.

Add the “Number of reading camps” measure

From the “Students” subform, drag the “Completed count” to the Measures area.

Click on the card you’ve just dropped in “Measures” to edit the measure.

Enter “Number of students completing a reading summer camp” in the “Measure name”

Click the “x” to close the card.

Save the Indicator Tracking Table

Now that you’ve completed your tracking table, you can save this report to be part of your database.

  1. Click “Save report”
  2. Enter “Indicator Tracking Table” in the Report name field.
  3. Select “Reading programme” database.
  4. Click “Save new report”

Next steps

Congratulations! You’ve built a simple, but complete M&E database for your programme.

Next item
Adding a database