Participatory M&E Webinar Panel

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About the webinar

This Webinar is a one-hour Panel Discussion ideal for Monitoring and Evaluation professionals who are interested in learning more about participatory Monitoring and Evaluation.

During the session, we discuss with the two panelists, Ms Naomi Falkenburg and Ms Mercy Owuor, the following topics:

  • What is participatory M&E and why is it important?
  • How does it look in practice?
  • Challenges and possible solutions when adopting a participatory M&E approach
  • Addressing power relations and improving chances for buy-in
  • Working with vulnerable and marginalized communities
  • Ensuring participation in all phases of the M&E cycle

View the presentation slides of the webinar

Please take a look at this Introduction to participatory monitoring and evaluation and at this article on Choosing methods and tools for participatory M&E - Reflections and resources for more information.

You can also access the French version of the introduction to participatory monitoring and evaluation as well as the Spanish version of the article

Is this Webinar for me?

  • Are you an M&E practitioner interested in participatory M&E approaches and methods?
  • Are you responsible for leading M&E in your organization, or is that a role you would like to take on and you would like your practices to focus on inclusion and community participation?
  • Do you want to better understand the challenges you might face and how you can better support the beneficiaries’ participation?

Then, watch our Panel Discussion!

About the speakers

Naomi Falkenburg is a monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) specialist with a cross-cutting focus on inclusion. She works at DevLearn, a firm specialized in consulting and training for inclusive economic growth. Naomi has worked with development and humanitarian actors around the world to design, manage and learn from their interventions and to conduct insightful research and analyses. Her experience spans a range of sectors and themes, such as disability inclusion, education, employment, entrepreneurship, gender equality, migration, trade promotion and women’s and youth empowerment. Naomi is certified in project management for development (Project DPro) and holds an MSc from the University of Oxford’s Department of International Development.

Mercy Owuor is a Public Health and development specialist with expertise in Project Monitoring and Evaluation. She is interested in participatory M&E and social inclusion. Currently based in Uganda with an organization called SIHA network.

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