Export Subform Records

The following section describes the steps for exporting Records of a Subform.

You can export records in the following ways:

  • As a file

  • XLSX

  • CSV

  • Via the API

  • Query as JSON - generates a URL for integrating with Power BI or Excel

  • Query as GeoJSON (available if your Subform contains a Geographic point field) - generates a URL for integrating with ArcGIS or QGIS

  • Query using R - generates a script that includes the the queryTable function

  • If your Subform includes attachments, a third section appears for attachments. If your Subform includes attachments, you can export all the attached files at once.

  • The “Query as GeoJSON” option is shown when your Subform has a geographic point field.

  • You can choose to include all columns in your export or include only selected columns.

  • You can export the Records of a Subform along with the Records of the Parent Form.

  • If you have more that one Subform in your Form you can export the Records of all Subforms along with the Records of the Parent Form. These Records will appear in multiple tabs in your spreadsheet.

  • If you export records of a Subform into XLS file, each Subform is separated into its own sheet.

How to Export the Records of a Subform

  • click on the name of your Subform to select it.
  • Navigate to the Table View of your Subform.
  • Click on the "Export" button to reveal the drop-down menu.
  • Click on "XLSX” or “Csv" to export the Subform and its Records.
  • Select “Entire form” and “Currently selected Columns
  • Click “Download XLSX” or “Download Csv”
  • Once the Export is completed, click on the file on the Download Bar of your browser to open it.

How to Export the Records of a Subform along with the Fields of a Parent Form

  • click on the name of your Subform to select it.
  • Navigate to the Table View of your Subform.
  • Click on the "Export" button to reveal the drop-down menu.
  • Click on "XLSX” or “Csv" to export the Subform and its Records.
  • Select “Entire form” and “Currently selected Columns
  • Click “Include Parent fields”.
  • Click “Download XLSX”
  • Once the Export is completed, click on the file on the Download Bar of your browser to open it.
  • The Records of the Subform that belong to the selected columns as well as the fields of the Parent Form have been exported.
  • Once the Export is completed, click on the "Download" button at the bottom-left corner. Once downloaded, click on the file on the Download Bar of your browser to open it.
  • You can also export the records of a parent form along with the records of the Subform
Next item
Importing Records to a Form