Windows installation

This guide is intended for IT professional responsible for installing the ActivityInfo Self-managed Server in an on-premise Windows Server.


The ActivityInfo Self-managed Server for Windows is distributed as a single Microsoft Installer Package (MSI) containing an embedded application, webserver, database, and everything else required to run ActivityInfo.

Getting started

Download the latest version of ActivityInfo Self-managed MSI.

Note: Ports 80 and 443 must be available for the ActivityInfo server. You will need to remove any other applications that are using these ports, such as Admin Center, before installing ActivityInfo.

Double-click the activityinfo_windows-x64_4_1_3.msi file to begin the installation process.

Choosing the installation location

The ActivityInfo server program files are installed seperately from the location of ActivityInfo's database files.

By default, the database files are stored in a folder at c:\ActivityInfoData. All files required to backup the system are present in this folder.

Setting up the administrator account

You will be asked to provide the Administrator's credentials. This account will have permission to configure the server, and add additional administrators.

Adding firewall rules

By default, the installer will add firewall rules for port 80 (http) and port 443 (https) to allow the ActivityInfo server to be reached by users on your network, or the Internet if your server is exposed to the public Internet.

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Docker deployment