Exporting Account Statistics in ActivityInfo

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to export your account statistics in ActivityInfo. Exporting account statistics allows you to retrieve valuable information about your users including details such as database, unique users' information, user ID, user last login, activation status, and the database in which they are active.

To access this feature, you need to be a technical contact of a paid subscription or have started a free trial.

How to Export Account Statistics.

  • Click on the Account button located in the top right navigation menu.
  • From the drop-down menu, select "Billing account" to access the billing account page.
  • On the billing account page, you will find various information about your users and subscription.
  • To export account statistics, click on the "Export account statistics" option. The system will automatically initiate the export process.
  • Once the export is completed, the statistics will be downloaded as an xlsx to your device.
  • By following these steps, you can easily export your account statistics and gain valuable insights into user activity within your ActivityInfo database.

Best Practices for Role-Based Permissions

For best practices in assigning role-based permissions, we recommend reviewing our comprehensive guide. Click on this link to access the guide and gain insights on how to effectively manage user permissions within ActivityInfo.

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Role design best practices