Discover a round of new ActivityInfo features - Webhooks for automations, Draft records, Deduplication and many more

We are excited to share the latest functionalities available in ActivityInfo.

Discover in this article everything that is new in the platform including:

  • Webhooks for automations
  • Record deduplication
  • Draft records
  • Translating reference data
  • Aggregations by non numerical values
  • Sorting and filtering users
  • Audit log filtering and restoring fields
  • Customer branded domains
  • Weekly risk reports

Do you have feedback for the new functionalities? Feel free to share it with us at

Webhooks for automations

This is the first step in a series of features to support automating workflows in ActivityInfo. You can now automate actions using a third-party tool like PowerAutomate or Zapier for add/edit/delete record events, set a filter (if you wish only some record events to be triggered), and then send the event details to an external webhook URL.

Manage automations permission: We added the ‘Manage automations’ permission so that you can define which Roles can have access to automations in the platform. Please note that this is a database level permission and users with that permission would be able to view and edit records of the whole database even if the role has fewer granted resources.

Watch the webinar “Introduction to Automations in ActivityInfo” to get started.

Record deduplication

We released the first version of record deduplication, a tool that allows you to scan records to identify duplicates for exact or slightly fuzzy matching records.

This feature is ideal if your form did not include Key fields in the beginning or if there are duplicate records due to misspellings. Following the scan for duplicates, the app will present you with groups of potential duplicate records with the option to edit or delete them.

Draft records

You can now save records as drafts both in desktop and the mobile app. You can do that if you wish to resume filling in the record at a later time without losing the data you have added so far.

Draft records are stored locally on the device. They will be submitted to the server only when you click on ‘Save record’. Then, the draft record will be sent to the server and will be verified following the logic in your forms. This means that you won’t be able to add duplicate keys or surpass validation rules, unique records, etc.

To save a record as a draft in the mobile app, click on ‘Close’ and then select ‘Save as draft’.

Translating reference data

When working with an international team, you may need to present a data collection form in multiple languages, with the field labels, descriptions, and options translated into several languages.

ActivityInfo’s database translation feature has allowed you to automatically or manually translate your database structure into multiple languages. However, up to now, reference data, such as province names, indicator names, sectors, or partner names, generally remain untranslated, because they are part of the record data, and not the form itself.

With our release this week of field translations, you can now also provide translations of reference data by adding additional fields to your reference form to provide translations of key fields.

To use this feature, you can add additional text fields for each of your key fields, and then check “Translation” in the Form Designer to link them to the key field for which they provide a translation.

Make sure you have defined more than one language for your database, otherwise the Translation checkbox will not appear.

Aggregations by non numerical values

You can now define aggregations of non-numeric measures, and use aggregate functions with them (e.g. LAST(), FIRST(), MIN() and MAX()).

You can look for the LAST() or FIRST() date or use MIN() and MAX() functions to find different select type options or text values from a table.

For example, you can create a calculated measure to see which was the last farmer owner by date per region or you can create a simple table to get the latest updated cases for your case management activities and many more.

Sorting and filtering users

It is now possible to sort and filter the users in the user management interface.

You can filter users by:

  • Assigned role
  • Email domain
  • License type
  • Dormancy status

You can sort users by:

  • Name
  • Email domain
  • Assigned role

Audit log filtering and restoring fields

We improved filtering in the Audit log; you can now choose an individual folder or form to filter on.

In addition, it is now possible to restore deleted fields along with their data right from the Audit log interface.

Customer branded domains

Customer-branded domains allow organizations to provide ActivityInfo from their own domain, such as, or and brand the platform with their logo.

This feature is part of the Global Organization plan; contact, if you are interested.

Weekly risk reports

We have started sending out weekly risk email reports to the Technical Contacts of ActivityInfo accounts. The reports highlight information security risks that can be reduced through better database configuration.

Do you have feedback for the new functionalities? Feel free to contact us at