Upcoming ActivityInfo online courses

Banner of ActivityInfo Training Courses
Banner of ActivityInfo Training Courses

We are happy to announce three upcoming online ActivityInfo training courses taking place in October (5-8), November (16-19) and December (7-10) addressed to different levels of ActivityInfo users.

Select your online Course

Beginner’s Training Course

We will be offering two training courses for beginners (in November & December) serving different time zones. This online course is ideal for beginners who want to expand their knowledge on ActivityInfo and its use for information management and monitoring and evaluation in general. It is also suitable for people interested in replacing their current system with an off-the-shelf solution which is easy to customize to their needs.

During short, concise sections in the span of 4 days, we will walk you through everything needed to be able to set up and run a complete data collection framework in the platform. The course covers database creation, form design, user management, data collection and the pivot table design. We will be working with practical examples and exercises from various themes and provide you with personalized feedback and support. We will also offer participants an extensive Course Manual and a Certificate of Participation.

Learning Blocks - ActivityInfo Beginner Training Course
Learning Blocks - ActivityInfo Beginner Training Course

Intermediate Training Course

We will also offer a training course for intermediate users in which we will explore the use of ActivityInfo in Monitoring and Evaluation, in particular. We will talk about the connection between a Logical Framework or a Results Framework, a data collection plan and an information system and we will walk you through a process for translating a Logical Framework into ActivityInfo data forms and reports.

This training course is ideal if you are leading the M&E department in your organization, or you are interested in getting the skills to be able to do so and you would like to know more about streamlining data collection and creating an efficient information management system for your M&E activities.

Learning Blocks - ActivityInfo Intermediate Training Course
Learning Blocks - ActivityInfo Intermediate Training Course

For all training courses, there will be limited seats available, so if you are interested in mastering the most important aspects of ActivityInfo in just a few days, make sure to purchase your ticket early enough. Also, there are limited-time discounted tickets available for online purchases (via credit card, IDEAL, etc).

ActivityInfo Intermediate Training Course, October 5-8 - Agenda

Schedule of sessions for the ActivityInfo Beginner Training Course from October 5th to October 8th.
Date Day Time (CEST) Topics (Learning blocks)
October 5 Monday 10:00 to 11:30 Meet and greet + From LogFrame to Information Management System: a step-by-step approach
October 5 Monday 13:00 to 14:30 OUTPUTS - SETUP - OUTPUTS - COLLECT + OUTPUTS - ANALYZE
October 6 Tuesday 10:00 to 11:30 MONITORING - SETUP
October 6 Tuesday 13:00 to 14:30 MONITORING - COLLECT + MONITORING - ANALYZE
October 8 Thursday 10:00 to 11:30 SURVEY - SETUP + SURVEY - COLLECT
October 8 Thursday 13:00 to 14:30 SURVEY - ANALYZE + Q&A + Closing

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All times in this schedule are in Central European Summer Time (CEST) which is the current time in Amsterdam/Brussels/Berlin/Paris. This training schedule is more suitable for people located in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

ActivityInfo Beginner Training Course, November 16-19 - Agenda

Schedule of sessions for the ActivityInfo Beginner Training Course from November 16 to November 19.
Date Day Time (CET) Topics (Learning blocks)
November 16 Monday 16:00 to 17:30 Introduction + Meet and greet + BASIC - SETUP
November 16 Monday 19:00 to 20:30 BASIC - COLLECT + BASIC - ANALYZE
November 17 Tuesday 16:00 to 17:30 EXPAND - SETUP
November 17 Tuesday 19:00 to 20:30 EXPAND - COLLECT + EXPAND - ANALYZE
November 18 Wednesday 16:00 to 17:30 USERS - SETUP + USERS - COLLECT + USERS - ANALYZE
November 19 Thursday 16:00 to 17:30 QUALITY - SETUP + QUALITY - COLLECT
November 19 Thursday 19:00 to 20:30 QUALITY - ANALYZE + Q&A + Closing

All times in this schedule are in Central European Time (CET) which is the current time in Amsterdam/Brussels/Berlin/Paris. This training schedule is more suitable for people located in North and South America or for people in Europe, the Middle East and Africa who are looking for an evening course.

Learn more and register to this course

ActivityInfo Beginner Training Course, December 7-10 - Agenda

Schedule of sessions for the ActivityInfo Beginner Training Course from December 7th to December 9th.
Date Day Time (CET) Topics (Learning blocks)
December 7 Monday 10:00 to 11:30 Introduction + Meet and greet + BASIC - SETUP
December 7 Monday 13:00 to 14:30 BASIC - COLLECT + BASIC - ANALYZE
December 8 Tuesday 10:00 to 11:30 EXPAND - SETUP
December 8 Tuesday 13:00 to 14:30 EXPAND - COLLECT + EXPAND - ANALYZE
December 9 Wednesday 10:00 to 11:30 USERS - SETUP + USERS - COLLECT + USERS - ANALYZE
December 10 Thursday 10:00 to 11:30 QUALITY - SETUP + QUALITY - COLLECT
December 10 Thursday 13:00 to 14:30 QUALITY - ANALYZE + Q&A + Closing

All times in this schedule are in Central European Time (CET) which is the current time in Amsterdam/Brussels/Berlin/Paris. This training schedule is more suitable for people located in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Learn more and register to this course