Learning Regular Expressions for validation rules and quality data

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About the webinar

This Webinar is a one-hour session ideal for Monitoring and Evaluation professionals and Information Management Officers who are interested in learning more about Regular Expressions (RegEx).

In this session, we’ll take a look at Regular Expressions and how they can be used when working with data. We will also explore the use of Regular Expressions when writing Formulas in applications such as the ActivityInfo platform and present what we can achieve using them.

Some of the key points we will cover are:

  • What Regular Expressions do and when to use them
  • Using Regular Expressions in validation rules for data collection
  • Practical examples using ActivityInfo

You can also download the presentation and test your Regular Expressions with our Regular expression tester.

Is this Webinar for me?

  • Are you an M&E or IMO practitioner responsible for designing forms and databases for the programmes in your organization?
  • Do you wish to get a better understanding of Regular Expressions and how they can improve data quality?
  • Do you want to start using Regular Expressions in your forms to create more advanced structures?

Then, watch our Webinar!

About the Speaker

Mr. Alexander Bertram, Technical Director of BeDataDriven and founder of ActivityInfo, is a graduate of the American University's School of International Service and started his career in international assistance fifteen years ago working with IOM in Kunduz, Afghanistan and later worked as an Information Management officer with UNICEF in DR Congo. With UNICEF, frustrated with the time required to build data collection systems for each new programme, he worked on the team that developed ActivityInfo, a simplified platform for M&E data collection. In 2010, he left UNICEF to start BeDataDriven and develop ActivityInfo full time. Since then, he has worked with organizations in more than 50 countries to deploy ActivityInfo for monitoring & evaluation.

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