Report definition

In ActivityInfo, a Report is a presentation of the analysis of the data stored in the Databases you have access to. This presentation can take the form of a visualization or tabulation, depending on your reporting requirements. The layout of a Report can consist of a single component (Single View) or a collection of components (Notebook, Dashboard).

A visualization in ActivityInfo is a graphic presentation of data. These can be Charts (for instance, a Bar Chart). A tabulation in ActivityInfo is a tabular presentation of data, similar to an Excel table. ActivityInfo gives you a flexible way to construct a table with many data points via Pivot Tables.

You are free to choose from all of the data you have access to when constructing a Report in ActivityInfo. These data can then be filtered, grouped and sorted to meet your reporting needs.

Depending on its status the Report can be:

  • Personal: can be viewed only by its own designer
  • Shared: can be viewed by users who have specific roles in the database
  • Published: can be viewed by anyone
  • Part of a database: can be viewed by users added to the database

All Reports can be:

  • found in the My Reports List page, if they are Personal reports
  • found in the Database Settings page or the Database page, if they are saved/moved to a database
  • synthesized as Notebooks or Dashboards or edited in Single View in the Report Editor page
  • viewed when published in the Published Report page
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