Sharing and publishing reports on your progress

ActivityInfo can be easily integrated with other visualization tools to allow you to publish your data and reports in various formats. In addition to these integrations, we recently released a new option for sharing and publishing your data which allows you to do so directly from within the platform and without the need for additional software.

Currently, the sharing and publishing options are available for the reports you design in ActivityInfo which have the format of a pivot table or a bar chart. Additional visualization options are planned for the future.

You can follow the full Webinar “Publishing Reports and Dashboards in ActivityInfo” and practice along.

Sharing a report

Sometimes you might need to quickly share some preliminary results, some details or a general overview of your activities with a specific set of people. Or you might need to make sure that you and your partners are monitoring the same data and have the same basis when taking decisions. Also, there might be data in your reports which only some people are authorized to access or the report might make sense and provide useful information only for a specific set of people.

Having such a report available anytime allows your team to be updated on what matters the most at a glance and to draw conclusions quickly.

You can share a report with a group of specific individuals in your programme, using Roles. These individuals need to have been added to your database in ActivityInfo and to have access to the specific resource (i.e. Form or Report) and Records that are used in your report.

These users will be able to view the report once they log in ActivityInfo and they can also find it in their reports list page in the platform. They won’t be able to edit the original report, but they will be able to copy the original report and make edits to the copy.

To be able to share a report you must be the Database owner or to have been assigned the 'Share reports' permission.

Sharing a Report with other users
Sharing a Report with other users

Lack of Sharing report permission
Lack of Sharing report permission

Learn more about sharing a report in our User Manual.

Publishing a report

In other cases, you might want to showcase the results of the activities of your programmes to the public.You might want to share meaningful information with as many people as possible or you are required to do so for accountability purposes.

You can easily publish your report and either embed it on your website or share it as a standalone web page using the URL we provide you with. Anybody who visits the URL or the website where you have embedded the report will be able to view the report.

When publishing a report you make all data publicly available so please make sure that the published data is data that you are allowed to publish. Consult your organization’s guidelines or your supervisor, if you are not sure about it.

To be able to publish a report you must be the Database owner or to have been assigned the 'Publish reports' permission.

Publishing a Report
Publishing a Report

Options for publishing a Report
Options for publishing a Report

Learn more about publishing a report in our User Manual.

What do you think of these features? Will you be sharing and publishing your reports?