ActivityInfo in Nairobi: Join our 3 day training in Kenya and become an expert user of the platform

Join our next training in Nairobi, on November 4th-6th
Join our next training in Nairobi, on November 4th-6th

Our Training Coordinator will visit Nairobi, Kenya this November (4th - 6th) to give a three day training on the use of ActivityInfo for monitoring and evaluation, information management, case tracking and case management and many more cases. The training will be in English and aims to provide participants - with or without prior knowledge of the platform - with key information and practical skills on using the software for collecting, monitoring and analyzing data. There will be limited seats to be able to provide one-on-one support to each participant.

View our latest training schedule

What is the training about?

Through the use of practical exercises attendees will see how they can operationalize a Logical or Results Based Framework and create the actual information system that can help them track their organization’s progress,coordinate their partners and take informed decisions based on real information.

The three days of the training will cover all the key aspects of the software, including a lot of new material on ActivityInfo 4.0, the latest version of the software. We will cover many functionalities such as creating databases, designing forms for various cases, managing users’ access, importing or adding data, working offline, creating pivot tables and more.

Who is the training for?

Participants of previous trainings came from the fields of Monitoring and Evaluation and Information Management but this training is also very useful for project or programme managers who want to get hands-on experience on using a web-based M&E software or want to introduce a new tool to their organization to improve their processes. Also this training is ideal for current users who want to expand their knowledge and learn how to use all aspects of the tool to make the best out of it (i.e. moving from data entry to designing the system for collecting information).

Learning Outcomes


  • Introduction to M&E common issues and best practices
  • From LogFrame to Information System
  • Creating Databases in ActivityInfo
  • Creating Interactive Forms for data collection
  • Creating Forms for repetitive data collection
  • Managing who does what with the data and the databases


  • Collecting data using ActivityInfo
  • Working online and offline with ActivityInfo
  • Importing data to Forms and Subforms for repetitive data collection
  • Using Filters on data
  • Exporting your data


  • Creating Pivot Tables & Bar Charts out of the data collected
  • Using Formulas to get advanced results for your Pivot Table
  • Using Filters on your Pivot Table

Participants are strongly advised to bring a laptop. Every participant will receive an extension of 2 months on their trial subscription on ActivityInfo so as to have sufficient time to apply all things learnt.

The ticket is not refundable and does not include transport, accommodation or other costs made by the participant.

View our latest training schedule

The image used by Nina R is licensed under CC BY 4.0.