R Developer

This position has been closed.

We are looking for a part-time R developer to support our customers using ActivityInfo, a platform for data management in humanitarian relief.

ActivityInfo is a software-as-a-service platform that allows the UN, NGOs and governments to easily collect, manage, and analyze data in the field, from Yemen to the Ukraine.

We offer an R package that makes it easy for our users to query data from the platform, and to automate routine tasks.

We are looking for an R developer experienced with package development to join our team on a part-time, as-needed basis to support this integration. Tasks might include:

  • Add unit and integration tests to the package to ensure the new releases of the platform or package do not break
  • Improve documentation and add vignettes to help users with common tasks
  • Add new functions to the package as we add new functionality to the platform
  • Support customers in writing R scripts using the package to meet their specific needs.

If you are comfortable with Python and can take the development of our nascent Python client further that would be a plus.

We are planning on hiring for this position through Upwork. You can also contact alex@bedatadriven.com with your CV and GitHub profile link if you prefer to work outside of Upwork.